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Get ready to maneuver your cannon and blast off the bouncing spheres, the flying UFOs, and even breakable bricks in your way to proceed to the next level!

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Welcome to the official website of PSOAIC!

Psoaic is here to bring the video game industry back to life. It has the sole member and owner of Psoaic known as Axl Jet Baños. The game titled Space Monsters is released to the legacy of the futuristic action series and started the revolution of its computer and video game industry in the Philippines since Axl has made a Space Invaders-esque game called Invaderoid under this company title.


As a visitor of this website, operated by Psoaic, you may explore computer and video game projects, services, news posts, shop, careers, contacts and anywhere you simply like! Besides, it is an interesting place to work online, make news articles, purchase our membership plans, buy or sell our services, event tickets, products, and sales online, join groups, support our project developments, products, and services, discuss forums, and so on.

Anyway, you can really enjoy the rest of Psoaic.


We sell services for your needs!

We sell purchasable services for individuals or development teams like making sprites, source codes, music, sounds, scripts and even models for their computer and video game projects. We also sell other service related to computer and video games and our merchandises. For further available services, please click the button below this paragraph to directly proceed to "Services" section.

NOTE: If you want to buy any available services, make sure you have your own account and PayPal or bank account via registration.


View and get our computer and video games whatever you want!

There at Psoaic, we create computer and video games mainly ever since we watched TV shows and movies, and played interactive video games, including computer games. You can check out our games listed in a separate page by clicking the button below the list of games to go there.​

Space Monsters

Psoaic's first top-down shooter game to take place in a modern setting with a strong futuristic theme. Earth has been invaded by the space creatures to wipe out all humanity, but it needs heroes to combat them as alien threats.

Available in Game Jolt.
Available in
Available in Indie DB.
Unavailable in Steam.
Unavailable in Epic Games Store.
Unavailable in
Unavailable in App Store.
Unavailable in Google Play Store.
Unavailable in Amazon Appstore.
Unavailable in Nintendo eShop.
Unavailable in PlayStation Store.
Unavailable in Microsoft Store.


Support us and make our company funded!

Psoaic welcomes you to bring creativity, inspiration, productivity, enjoyment, contribution, innovation, fun, art, decency, and entertainment with our game projects, services, products, and so much more! However, we really need to stay funded by signing up (if you do not have one) or logging in your account (if you have one), supporting us and buying one of our timely memberships on Patreon, Ko-Fi, or here in our official website, booking our services, purchasing our products at our shop, or even donating us on PayPal (or to our owner in the same place), GCash, or in our donation page.


We make games and related merchandises. Join us!

Because of making our interactive projects to any audiences, we are looking for any collaborators and hiring them to join us and our industry by selecting and applying their jobs. So they help collaborate in creating games when they experienced those from companies or individuals that are played for years and remembered forever and ever.


Come join our communities!

We have news, forums, members, groups, guestbook, polls, file share and podcast as community sections to respectively read what happened to our company and events, discuss topics about us, projects, products, announcements and other important discussions, explore the users who joined this website, access the groups within our organization, describe what do you think about this website and anything we already have, vote what survey you want, download files, and rate and comment the voices of podcasts with Psoaic Studios staff members. As a visitor who signed up here in this site, you can start posting news articles, discussing the Psoaic Studios-related discussions/forums, reply what we recently started, posting a comment in our guestbook, upload and download files, vote anything, or even listening to the podcasts by clicking the button below for more communities.


Discover what happened to our company in the timeline

Despite becoming a news website, we write news articles to spread information for you about events, developments of each project, releases, upcoming projects, and anything that are really happened to our company. If you want more old and latest articles regarding to our company, events, products, projects or anything, then please go to the News section by clicking the button below the recent post feed next to this paragraph or pressing the News button in the site menu at the top of a page and below the header with our company's logo at the center.

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Post your discussions in the forums page

Internet forums or message boards are clearly online discussions about anything like many websites with various forum topics or threads there. As a subsection, this is under the Community section here in this website, and we have a lot of important topics we just discussed and archived certainly. Before using forums, register your account for our membership. If you want to post forums for us,  be sure that any topics must be acceptably related to us and our productive properties, including computer and video games, events, inspirations, merchandises, assets, anticipated projects and franchises. We also accept discussions about our further announcements, jobs, services, receptions and so much more we really mentioned. However, depending on the access level of a user or the forum setup, a post may be importantly required to become possibly approved by any moderator of our site before it will be visible to the public.

For more discussions, please click the button below this paragraph and you will take a look at many of them if you like.

Get the Conversation Started
Be the first to post in this category.


See people who joined our organization!

Before cooperatively having communities with people who registered here, enjoyably shopping anything you want, and the rest goes on, please sign up to join our membership today. Once you have done this, you can also access the user features like following the registered users, adding items from the shop to your cart, and even posting comments. If you want to have more admin features and know any user features, any bureaucrat or administrative user will give you the right to become an administrator of our website. Click the button below to explore registered members.


That is where you access the groups of registered members

We can usefully have a lot of communities with these groups in the list. They will importantly help us grow our communities and collaborations to give our organization to life by managing us and our Intellectual Properties, participating our activities, and anything possible as well because of similarities with other companies in the world. It is very helpful to manage and participate our projects, plans, businesses, and anything related to us together. For exploring and checking more community groups in this website, click the button bellow.


We have plans to take place

We would eventually like to tell that Live events, conventions, contests, eSports, tournaments, expos and other events in the respective locations will be planned and attended through the history of our company. Press the button below to see more events regarding to our schedules.


Buy our related products you want!

Shirts, jackets, bags, accessories, decors, mugs, buttons and other related merchandises are available to purchase in our shop, including anything that is available online like game assets, physical and digital games and art. We sell them to earn more money so that we have finances. For more purchasable and available items, please click the button to directly go to our online shop.


NOTE: If you want to buy anything available in our shop, make sure you have your own account and PayPal or bank account via registration.

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