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Did we miss something?

Please help us include positions to complete our job listings

Do you have any better idea for our lists of jobs here in this website? Some of these collections are incomplete yet because we are looking for more job positions we needed to add. If you don't see your specialty included here, but have at least 4 or more years of professional experience in college, are well talented at what you really do, and possess your high-leveled working skills that could possibly help us make better products and professional experiences for our clients and supporters, please fill up everything on the application form below when you are about to apply your job title, and submit it to us, so that we can add a position to one of our career listings.

As you can see, we don't have enough junior-level roles or internships here. Then we are looking for people who are professionally skilled in respective job titles, have previously been in their company for a few years of doing business with, and can bring in knowledge, skills, and expertise we don't currently possess.

We are being excited and convinced to require more collaborative pros or folks like artists, programmers, sound designers, composers, writers, and directors who are much more experienced than an entrepreneur. However, the onus is on you to do so as a hard worker.

  • 3 or more years of experiencing professions.

  • An entrepreneurial spirit.

  • Highly leveled expertise in your professional discipline.

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