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Help us raise our money!

Just like crowdfunding, donations and fundraising are very important for us to become monetized and have more money for our organization, our activities, our communities, and anything we love, such as our computer/mobile/video game projects, our booking services, our held events, and even digital/physical products we sell. In this section, we have four ways to have monetary donations: the Donation Form, the QR code of the owner's GCash account, the crowdfunding campaign box, and PayPal donation options. With these, you will become one of our monetary contributors.

​Please contribute us your supportive and monetary donations to helpfully show your support for our projects, communities, activities, making our organization independent and monetized as a whole company from corporate interferences, keeping this website and its domain name running with premium upgrade, and anything we have by either entering your personal details and an amount of money for donation to the Donation Form, scanning the QR code of the GCash account and giving your money to its owner, contributing to the crowdfunding box, or pressing the button or link that directs you to PayPal below here in this page.

Once you have contributed your donation to us, you will become one of our supportively monetary contributors/donators and we will be monetarily appreciated for your contributions in making our organization independent and successful as a company.


IMPORTANT NOTE: If you live outside the Philippines, convert the currency from Philippine Peso to the currency of your country (e.g. U.S. dollar, Singaporean dollar, Canadian dollar, Hong Kong dollar, Euro, British pound, and Japanese yen) using a tool called the currency converter.

Donate Now

Fill up and enter the Donation Form

Please fill up your personal information and enter the amount of money you want to contribute in a Donation Form below before donating your money to us as both an organization and a company.

Donation Form

Help us raise money to become independent


Donate our Owner with GCash

If you live in the Philippines, please help us raise more money with the QR code of our founder's GCash account, which is shown below here, but it requires the GCash mobile app to scan or upload it. Before sending money to our owner with GCash as a supporter, you must download and install GCash app on your smartphone, and please follow the steps below the QR code.

QR code of Axl Jet Banos's GCash account
  1. Open the GCash app in your smartphone and sign in your account with your 4-digit PIN.

  2. On the homepage of the GCash app, tap the QR icon.

  3. Scan or upload the GCASH Personal QR code, which is found above.

  4. Enter any amount you want to donate and optional message.

  5. Tap the Next text.

  6. Check if the details are accurately correct.

  7. After that, tap the Send text.

There you go! You are now the monetary supporter of Psoaic, and one of our founders will be appreciated for your acceptable donations.

Contribute your money to our Crowdfunding Campaign




Are you interested with our games, products, services, and organization as a whole? If you wish, then please press the button below, and help us raise money with PayPal.

PayPal Donate Button
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